Q: In my dreams, my bugs are usually creepy green things with red eyes and sometimes fly. Elvis, you have anything like that?
A: Flying Insects in dreams are fairly common and I have had dreams with SOME of those things you describe but not all in one. Bugs in dreams, no matter what color or how creepy, suggest that you are worried about something. Because you dream of a bug that is GREEN, that signifies something that is positive…good health, growth, vigor, peace and serenity. Sometimes, GREEN in a dream tells you to move forward (like a traffic light saying it’s OK to GO.) Red eyes draw attention and are an open window to a soul of raw energy, intense passion and power. And flying represents being able to do things beyond your physical limitations...in your mind you can do anything and be anybody...and nobody can tell you what you cannot do and accomplish. It usually leaves you with a great sense of freedom. Now, to try and put this together for you I would say this: You are probably pondering a very important decision and are worried about it...your dreams are telling you it is a positive step...something new and to move forward, with passion and courage. It is something that you feel you will accomplish to bring you a greater sense of independence.
before you fell asleep? what movie did you watched? because sometimes those movies that we watch can't continue to our dreams. haven't you dreaming of stink bugs?